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Koala Conservation Day

Here is an event on the 30th August, that is dear to our heart and near Starhaven Retreat.

Enjoy a day helping and learning about Koalas in the wild. Search for koalas and other wildlife, monitor their behaviour and remove weeds from their habitat in the company of a highly experienced Citizen Scientist Koala Researcher.

Part of the day is spent assisting our Koala Researcher to find wild koalas in their natural habitats. Your researcher will show you techniques to find wild animals in the Australian Bush. Once found, each koala is photographed, GPS located, their behaviour and tree species noted. Most of the koalas in the area are known to us – some for many years – and all are part of our 16 year citizen-science Koala Research Project.

Koala habitat improvement takes up about 1.5hours of the day. Boneseed is an Invasive Weed of National Significance. Wild koalas in the You Yangs avoid areas thickly infested with Boneseed, so by removing the weed we make areas suitable for koalas. Weeding is easy, chemical-free, and requires no special tools or equipment.

As important as the koalas themselves is their environment. We break the weeding with walks through the koala habitat, observing birds, wallabies and other mammals, reptiles, and discover plants that are important to koalas.

For more information contact:

When: 30th August 2015

Where: You Yangs, near Geelong

Who: Echidna Walkabout

Phone: 03 9646 8249


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